explorations driven by inspirations
of the multi-layered reality
in which we reside:
physical subtle meditative dreamworld metaphorical
Friday, February 17, 2006
My Bio
"Anything you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
~ Goethe
I grew up in St. Louis, MO and moved to the Bay Area to attend art school when I was 20. I discovered yoga in 1989, when I was invited by a friend to a class at The Yoga Room in Berkeley for a class with renowned teacher Rodney Yee. Immediately drawn to the challenges, the philosophy, and the discipline of this practice that paralleled that of artmaking, My curiosity was forever stoked!
Years of practice have taken me down various paths with extraordinary teachers. I have been most influenced by my early studies and friendship with Rodney Yee; intensive studies with David Life and Sharon Gannonof Jivamukti in New York City; Yin yoga with Sarah Powers; and the teachings of the 8 Limb Path of Ashtanga as taught by lineage bearer, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, his descendants and torch bearers and other teachers who have been authorized to teach this magnificently rewarding yoga practice. Daily Ashtanga Mysore Practice is my primary practice as a student and informs my methods as a teacher of the traditional series as well as Vinyasa Flow classes.
I completed my first 200 hour teacher training with Yoga Studio Mill Valley in 2002 and have participated in a variety of other teacher trainings with the above teachers and other prominent teachers around the globe. I teach classes infused with philosophy and teachings from the ancient yogic texts along with other wisdom traditions. I offer this within the context of a challenging physical practice with both specificity and respect to these traditions as well as with broad strokes to expose the common ground these traditions share. I give with generosity of spirit, taking each student's individual abilities and needs in mind. Classes present deep asana sequences that connect breath to movement and invite inquiry within our explorations together.
Striking a balance between yoga, creating art, enjoying music, exploring the world's natural wonders with friends and family, travel, writing, outdoor adventure and recreation, and enjoying the simple moments with quiet and attentive reverence is my life's path.
I am not teaching public classes at this time but am available
for private lessons for individuals or groups. Below is a sample of previous
classes and workshops taught in the Bay Area from 2001 - 2015. Thank you
for your dedication and see you on the mat!
FOCUS of the Year:The Brahmaviharas
Unconditional love becomes possible when you practice cultivating the four states of mind known as the Brahmaviharas. Collectively, these four qualities of friendliness or loving kindness (metta), compassion (karuna), joy (mudita), and equanimity (upekkha) are the qualities of true, authentic, and unconditional love.
Philosophy:The first Yama, AHIMSA (Non-harming)
Asana:Standing poses - Let's get grounded again
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
the world will know peace." ~ Jimi Hendrix
I am a former yoga teacher at the following Bay Area studios:
Vinyasa Flow, Level 3 (Advanced Level students only)
Tues/Thurs: 9:30 - 11 am Backroads, Berkeley
Mixed Level Vinyasa Flow for Staff
Mon/Wed/and sometimes Fri
Noon - 1 pm
(This is a private class but drop-ins are welcome if you are
currently a regular student in one of my other local classes.
Contact Mary before coming to class. Bring your own mat)
My classes are based on a cyclical schedule that focuses on one area for a month at a time. Dedication to participation in the series is the most effective, though not mandatory method, to enjoying my classes. Drop-in attendance is always welcome and rewarding in its own way.
Jan - Ahimsa / Standing (grounding) poses
Feb - The other Yamas: Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha
Deep Twists and heart openers, Backbends, Hips Part 1
Mar - Sauca / Twists, Backbends
Apr - The other Niyamas: Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya, Isvara Pranidhana /
Backbends, Hips Part 1
May - The Yoga Sutras, Book One / Hips Part 2
June- The Yoga Sutras, Book One cont./The Bandhas / Core Strength and Kriyas
July- The Yoga Sutras, Book Two / Balancing poses
Aug - Chants and Mantras / Inversions 1 and Neck/Shoulders
Sep - The Yoga Sutras, Book Three / Mantra/ Inversions 2
Oct - The Eight Limbs of Yoga /Navaratri/ Chant: Spine (Backbends)
Nov - The Chakras / Corresponding poses and Creating a Balanced Practice 1
Dec - The Koshas / Meditation, Kriyas, and Creating a Balanced Practice 2
Private sessions are available Mon - Sat schedule your time with me by email
I will be subbing for the following classes:
Subbing for me:
Contact me anytime with questions or permissions to advanced level classes or to inquire about private instruction, study materials and recommendations.
Making Padmasana Possible: Opening the Lotus
$35, pre-registration by Nov 1
$40, after Nov 1st (must register by Friday Nov 6)
Sunday, Nov 8, 2009, 2 - 4:30 pm
(this workshop will be repeated in Spring)
Yogic texts say Padmasana, or Lotus Pose, cures all disease and awakens Kundalini. In more tangible terms, this classic yoga pose stretches and stimulates the hips, knees, and ankles while creating the optimal seat for meditation and pranayama. But this pose can remain elusive to the seasoned practitioner and the curious beginner alike.
In this workshop, we will access this pose by approaching our practice with care and curiosity. We will start with a brief but warming vinyasa practice followed by an attentive progression of hip openers, as well as preparation of knees and ankles with or without props, and slowly build to the crescendo of Padmasana. Appropriate for all levels of students.
What do the ancient texts of the Yoga Sutras have to do with perfecting your downward dog? How can I do yoga even when I’m not involved in a movement practice?
In this workshop we will use the Eight-Limb path of Patanjali yoga as a framework in which to explore this wonderful body of work. We will enjoy a flowing vinyasa practice, extended explorations of sacred chant, pranayama (breath work),and meditation. We will also discuss selected sutras as they relate to these practices.
Our intention will be to awaken an awareness of Classical Yoga and sweeten our experience of yoga as a daily living practice.
The following are materials that parallel my classes. This is also a helpful resource for serious yoga students seeking a broader experience of the ancient and esoteric practices of Yoga.
I am an artist and yogini with a passion for the printed page. A voracious reader and avid storyteller, I have my hands in a variety of writing projects.
As a painter, my work parallels my writing as I seek out ways to express in color an interesting narrative with interesting and relatable characters.
Please visit my other websites to view my artwork and writing portfolios.